If you are involved in a road accident that is not your fault, then you may be entitled to claim personal injury compensation. Though the severity of your injuries may vary compensation is available for any form of suffering that was not your fault. This involves whiplash which occurs after a certain jolt to the head or body which damages the muscles or ligaments, and is the most common injury following road accidents.
Claiming Compensation Following a Car Accident
What can you claim for?
If you are involved in a road accident that is not your fault, then you may be entitled to claim personal injury compensation. Though the severity of your injuries may vary compensation is available for any form of suffering that was not your fault. This involves whiplash which occurs after a certain jolt to the head or body which damages the muscles or ligaments, and is the most common injury following road accidents. In the case of more serious injuries and extended periods away from work you will be entitled to larger amount of compensation.
In order to make personal injury compensation claims following road accidents you must be able to show that another person was responsible for your injury. This may be the driver if you were a passenger in the car, or could be the third party driver. You should note down all details that you can, including names and registration numbers.
How can a solicitor help you?
A solicitor can help you to assess exactly how much personal injury compensation you may be entitled to. Try to find a solicitor that specialises in car accident claims. Many companies will charge you a fee only after the compensation claim has been won, allowing you to explore the validity of your claim with no risk.
If your case simply isn't valid, they will let you know at your first consultation. However, your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve are greatly increased after the appointment of a solicitor. Where there is no dispute over who was responsible your solicitor will arrange a settlement and ensure that the claim does not need to be taken to court, making the process as convenient for you as they can.
How long do claims take?
There are time limits in place for you to make your personal injury claim (usually a few years), so contact a solicitor for advice as soon as possible following the road accident. Once you've made initial contact, exactly what this whole process could take up is not possible to say.
Most claims are generally settled within 6-12 months. This is due to the time it takes to gather all evidence, including medical records and insurance details. Your claim may take longer than this if it is disputed by your opponent. It is important not to rush the claims process in order to evaluate the true extent of your injuries and get the amount of compensation you deserve.
How much compensation is possible?
Compensation varies between individual cases, and typically increases with the severity of symptoms and duration of the injury. In the case of whiplash you could expect to claim a few hundred pounds upwards, ranging into multiple thousands for long-lasting pain and recurring symptoms. You may receive an interim payment as part of the settlement before a final settlement is reached.
In general, each claim will be paid on its individual factors including severity of the injury, length of time that you have suffered with pain, time taken off work and general disruption to your quality of life. There is no uniform amount and your solicitor will advise you on the strength of your case and how much compensation you can expect to receive.
If you think you may be entitled to make a car accident claim, contact My Injury Lawyer for free help and advice.
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